Heartbeat Song by Kelly Clarkson
Youtube is the place to be for finding the hottest trending songs, and along with that, it also contains some of the best motion backgrounds for lyric videos. In her song, Heartbeat, the creators of this video use several flashy colorful motion backgrounds that are over laid onto the footage to create beautiful color washes, also known as video filters. The use of colorful flashes ads energy to the video and keeps the pace of it flowing. Seeing the the video has nearly 45 million views, apparently it’s gone over well with the general public.
Creating lyric videos is a great way to feature a new artist or song in a non-intrusive or time consuming way. It takes thousands of dollars to produce a music video and then sync it up to the track. Now, with the help of some Adobe software, it’s easy to generate titles with the song lyrics, match to the music and drop in an awesome royalty free video loop. The rights to use the songs on Youtube get a little fuzzy, but seeing that there are millions of lyric videos, it appears the rules for copyrighted music have taken a backseat for now. I would always encourage you to get the rights to a song before creating a lyric video just to be on the safe side.
If you have created a lyric video using one of our motion backgrounds, I would like to show it off here on the site. Send me an email with a link to your video and you may see it pop up on the blog sometime down the road. I’ll even link it to your Youtube channel.
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